Slack notifications with Knock

Building a Slack integration can feel like a daunting task. There is a lot you can build on top of the Slack API and app platform, and there's a lot of documentation that comes with it.

In the pages that follow, we unpack the basics of the Slack API as it pertains to notifications of all kinds, from simple alerts to interactive messages.

Here's an overview of our Slack guides:

  • The Knock-Slack model. An overview of how you'll build your Knock-Slack integration and the key concepts involved.
  • Slack apps and scopes. An introduction to creating your Slack app within the Slack platform and configuring it with the required scopes.
  • Building your OAuth flow. How to build an OAuth flow between your product and Slack and store the resulting channel data on users and/or objects in Knock.
  • Designing Slack templates. How to design your Slack notification templates in Knock using our markdown or JSON block editors.
  • Powering Slack interactivity. How to build interactive Slack messages using Knock.
  • Example use cases. Step-by-step walkthroughs of a number of example Slack use cases, from notifying a user via DM to notifying a channel in your own Slack workspace.
See an example. You can check out our example app for a real-life example of an app using Knock to notify Slack. You can find the specific part of the repo where the integration happens here.